Fix These Rookie Blogging Mistakes

blogging Nov 28, 2022


Despite the amount of time you've spent blogging, you haven't had any success. Nobody cares about what you have to offer. As a result, you're most likely losing a lot of visitors to your site.

With so many WordPress themes and plugins available, it's easy to make a mistake when starting your site.

These frequent beginner errors that new and experienced bloggers may unintentionally be making and how to remedy them are here to help you avoid further blogging blunders.


You Don't Have a Specific Niche in Mind

Describe your blog's subject matter. When do you write about how you're feeling or stick to the same topic? Changing the focus of your blog from one day to the next may confuse your visitors. Traffic and readership to your blog will increase if you're passionate about what you're writing about.

As a result, it assists you in the following ways:


  •  Attract a niche audience: Readers who know exactly what you're blogging about are more likely to stop by your site. The more specific your speciality is, the more likely you attract specific readers. Those that travel for work are more likely to read your content if you have a business travel specialisation.
  •  Give focus to your content: Maintain laser-like concentration on your speciality by establishing a central theme for your content creation.
  •  Make a profit: To gain your audience's trust, you must first build a following that is receptive to your ideas. If you want to make money from your blog, you can do anything from selling eBooks or eCourses to writing sponsored posts. It's all possible with this.
  •  Become an expert in your chosen field: Building your knowledge and authority in your speciality may be aided by developing blog themes relevant to your field and sharing your experiences in those areas. Pat Flynn, the author of Smart Passive Income, put in the time and effort to establish himself as an expert in the field of passive income generation.

Choosing a speciality and focusing your efforts on a certain demographic is critical. The finest information is sent to people who need it the most.


You Have a Blog That Is Difficult to Navigate

Potential readers will shy away from a blog that uses a manual to navigate. When a reader comes to your blog, they should be able to find the information they want quickly.

Are you unsure of which sections of your site require some attention? Here's a summary of the most common blunders made by beginner bloggers:

  •  Navigation is a real pain.
  •  Hard-to-read typefaces
  •  Colours that stand out


You're Writing Just for Yourself

Bloggers who use this type of blogging to connect with their readers do so by putting their personalities into their posts while still keeping their readers in mind. Even though there are many different kinds of blogs, the ones that get a lot of traffic, shares, and comments are the most useful to their readers.

How-to posts are some of the most-read ones on blogs. These blog posts are meant to teach and help those who read them. Make it a point to ask questions in your posts to interest people. Show that you care about the reader by talking about a problem they might be having.

At the end of each blog article, include a CTA (call to action). This is a command or a query you ask your audience, such as, sign up for my newsletter, or what are your best coffee-making tips?


Your Blog Article Isn't Formatted Correctly

Make sure your blog posts are polished and free of mistakes before you post them. Here are two free online editing tools you can use if you don't have access to a proofreader.

Before your writing goes online, Grammarly will check it for mistakes. It also checks for plagiarism and gives you a grade at the end. Copying and pasting your message into PaperRater will fix any spelling, grammar, or word choice mistakes.



If you follow these guidelines, you'll be on your road to becoming a rock star. It doesn't matter how long you've been blogging if you've ever made a few of the same blunders on your site.

If you write for your target audience, choose a specific niche, and create a well-designed blog for your readers, you'll quickly have the social shares, traffic, and engagement you want.


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